The Northwest Arkansas Writing Project’s professional development programs are designed to suit the needs and interests of individual schools and districts. We offer professional development series, workshops and consultations focused on the following areas:
- Establishing a writing-based classroom
- Reading and composing CCSS text types
- Using formative writing assessments in classrooms
- Teaching academic writing through creative nonfiction
- Engaging students in authentic learning through inquiry
- Using technology in the teaching and production of writing
- Designing creative, standards-based units
- Responding effectively to student writing
- Integrating instruction in grammar, usage and style
Frequently Asked Questions about Professional Development
What kinds of programs does NWAWP offer individual schools?
We design programs to suit the needs and interests of individual schools and districts. All year-long partnerships begin with a needs assessment.
When and where are the sessions held?
Workshops are usually held at the school site and are offered at times most convenient for the school, most often embedded in the school day. The NWAWP also offers workshops during staff in-service days, Saturdays and during the summer.
What kinds of professional programs does NWAWP offer?
- Workshops and Demonstration Lessons — We offer multiple-session series of interactive workshops and embedded demonstration lessons, generally about three hours long. These hands-on workshops and lessons focus on successful classroom-tested, research-based approaches to the teaching of reading, thinking and writing. All sessions are designed to address the Common Core Standards and help teachers prepare students for PARCC tests.
- Partner-School Coaching — Usually offered in conjunction with demonstration lessons and workshop series, coaching is conducted by NWAWP staff and teacher consultants. NWAWP can provide services such as facilitation of teaching inquiry groups, support of teacher research, preparation for conference presentations and publications, guided examination of student work, and lesson study groups.
- Writing Assessment — NWAWP works with schools to design vertically-aligned writing prompts and rubrics for pre- and post-writing assessments, score student work, and create a plan for responding to students’ strengths and weaknesses through related lesson planning.
- On-Site Summer Programs — NWAWP provides intensive summer programs, including the annual Northwest Arkansas Writing Project Invitational Summer Institute, where teachers learn more about teaching writing, read and discuss current research, and participate in professional and personal reading and writing. Additional summer programs are offered each year.
Pricing is variable, depending on hours, number of participants and type of professional program requested. If you are interested in discussing professional development for your school or district, please contact us for a consultation.
Email the NWA Writers Project for more information.